Defra border services - Routine maintenance 6 February, 7pm - 9pm
Routine Defra border services maintenance will take place between 7pm and 9pm GMT on Thursday 6 February 2025.There should be no impact on IPAFFS. Businesses...
We support our members in keeping trade flowing, removing barriers and delays to trade. We also publish official SPV tariff information. We have guidance available to members in our Advice section. If you have a problem at any time contact us.
FPC member only content
FPC Consultation Response to EFRA Call for Evidence on Biosecurity Measures
31 January 2025
FPC member only content
NCTS5 Final State Rules - Information prior to 21 January 2025
22 November 2024
FPC member only content
FPC Technical Meeting Presentation and Minutes 14th November 2024
21 November 2024
Further Advice - Safety and Security declarations – new requirements from 31 January 2025
21 October 2024
FPC member only content
FPC Interpretation Guide to Medium Risk A & B EU Fresh Produce Categories
18 September 2024
Routine Defra border services maintenance will take place between 7pm and 9pm GMT on Thursday 6 February 2025.There should be no impact on IPAFFS. Businesses...
Since the formation of the United Kingdom, there has always been an internal market. Businesses and consumers across the land have long enjoyed the rewards from...
Defra used the estimated operating costs of the government-run Sevington Border Control Post for the 2024 to 2025 financial year to calculate the common user c...
Information about the Developing Countries Trading Scheme has been updated.You’ll need to classify the goods you import with the right commodity code, check the...
A number of changes have been made to the government guidance:Replacement of the reference to commodity code 0803 90 10 with commodity codes 08039011 00 and 080...
Defra England and Wales have launched a consultation relating to Plant Health fees. The intention is that fees will be amended to provide full cost recovery (as...
From February 2025, there will be several changes to declaration completion requirements as a result of updated tariff measures and the removal of waiver code 9...
How can HMRC make it easier for you to keep track of changes in tariffs and commodity codes? HMRC have reached out to FPC and it's members to understand how the...
As you will be aware, new arrangements are being introduced for moving goods via freight and parcels from Great Britain (GB) into Northern Ireland (NI) as part ...
The following changes come in from today, 21st January 2025:• Office of Incident – incidents that happen during the goods movement should now be reported in r...
As you will be aware, the end of the waiver on Safety and Security declarations is fast approaching, with all EU imports into Great Britain requiring a Safety a...
The New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) is a Europe wide online system for submitting transit declarations and notifications to HMRC. If you’re a UK trader, ...
From 6 July 2026 onwards, non-EU trading partners are requested to specify in full wording under the heading ´Additional Declaration´ of the phytosanitary certi...
There is a call for evidence to examine animal and plant biosecurity measures for personal and commercial imports to the UK. The Committee will examine both the...
Update: Please note the additional GVMS route that should be used for a temporary Dublin-Pembroke journey commencing on 6th January. Following weather damage ca...
The introduction of new Smarter Rules for Safer Food regulations in December 2019 brought the plant internet and mail order trade into the Plant Passporting (PP...
IPAFFS is currently undergoing an update to reflect the changes to tomato commodity codes that were due to be implemented from 1 January 2025. Until this updat...
Following weather damage caused by Storm Darragh, Holyhead Port has needed to temporarily close for urgent repair works and is not expected to open until at lea...
Import inspection frequencies are kept under constant review considering the current risk position. The UK Plant Health Risk Group has reviewed the position for...
HMRC have identified an increase in failed transit messages at Office of Transit and Destination due to the incorrect application and use of rule B1890 (as per ...
The Customs (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 3) Regulations 2024 were laid on the 3rd December 2024. This Statutory Instrument introduces a change to customs ru...
If you are importing cut conifer trees less than 3m in height or foliage from the EU, Switzerland or Liechtenstein to GB, you will need to obtain a Phytosanitar...
The following summary has been provided by Defra as a guide to meeting EU import controls1. Register for IPAFFS online on GOV UK if you haven’t already done s...
Defra have confirmed that physical and identity checks on non-qualifying goods moving from the island of Ireland to Great Britain will not start during 2024. D...
Monday 18th November 2024 between 07.30am- 08.30am. Planned maintenance activities will be undertaken on the NCTS live service on Monday 18th November 2024:N...
Planned maintenance activities will be undertaken on the NCTS live service on Monday 21st October 2024: NCTS XI 7:30am-8:00am NCTS GB 8:00am-8:30am The service...
The waiver for import requirements for goods from the EU (and other territories that did not have requirements before 1 January 2021) has been extended until 31...
Notification has been received today from Defra "There has been an IT incident relating to an external provider on the evening of 8 October. The issue has now b...
Ware potato exporters can now use the Plant Health Exports Audited Trader Scheme (PHEATS) to help with their exports. PHEATS is a trade facilitation scheme for...
There is a current and ongoing outbreak of Salmonella umbilo reported both in RASFF notifications as positive tests and as public health issues . As of late Sep...
FPC received confirmation from Defra on 25th September 2024 relating to the inspection frequencies for Non-woody plants being imported into the UK. The statemen...
Over the coming weeks APHA will be working with key potato stakeholders across England and Wales to ensure all ware potato growers are aware of existing plant h...
We would like to notify you of a call for comments on the proposal to introduce a derogation from the minimum designation requirements at Border Control Posts, ...
The Trader Support Service announced yesterday that the new arrangements under the Windsor Framework for parcels and freight movements that were envisaged to co...
The UK Government have now released all information relating to the finalised SPS controls of Medium Risk Fruit & Vegetables being imported into the UK from...
After further scientific review of commodities across all plant and plant product risk categories, there will be changes to the risk categorisation of certain p...
The Fruit & Vegetable Marketing Standards derogation has been extended.The derogation on the requirement for marketing standards Certificates of Conformity...
A competitive procurement exercise for the free support service for businesses moving goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland will begin by early 2025....
Defra Organics today announced that the derogation on the requirement for Certificates of Inspection for organic goods entering GB from the EU, EEA and Switzerl...
After many months of lobbying, FPc today received the following communication from Defra, "I am emailing to notify you of a change to the current BTOM timeline...
HMRC will be carrying out essential maintenance to the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) XI & GB channels, on Saturday 28th September 2024, timings as ...
The ‘objections window’ has now opened for four weeks to give opportunity for parties to raise concerns about any applications regarding the below. See the full...
On 9th June 2023, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs published guidance on labelling requirements for certain products moving from Great Bri...
Over the last 3 years Defra worked with a group of stakeholders to submit the technical dossiers required to initiate the process of obtaining derogations from ...
Please find an attachment which outlines a recent change to the NI HRFNAO amendments - there is a removal of a range of products from Annex 1, as well as a numb...
In December 2023, HMRC announced our intention to develop a voluntary standard for customs intermediaries Introducing a voluntary standard for customs intermedi...
HMRC recently confirmed that the GB NCTS4 service would cut over to the new NCTS5 service from 6am on 01 July 2024.They have just announced the GB service has...
A new online service for repayment or remission claims for declarations made in the Customs Declaration Service has been added. Use the Customs Declaration Serv...
An overview of the horticultural industry in the United Kingdom (UK) using external data, including government published statistics and information from the pre...
HMRC and Defra have developed the attached technical comms products – the products provide technical detail on how to prevent and resolve ‘no match’ scenarios b...
Defra have now confirmed that those businesses who wish to import bananas for human consumption on which the ripening process has been initiated can be declared...
As you may be aware the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) Phase 5 (NCTS5) is to be introduced shortly. To prepare users for this change, HMRC are conductin...
FPC's CEO Nigel Jenney attended the Farm to Fork summit at 10 Downing Street, where the Prime Minister laid out a clear ambition to grow our fruit and vegetable...