Government Unveils Major Packaging of Farming and Food Sector Support

Government Unveils Major Packaging of Farming and Food Sector Support

14 May 2024

FPC's CEO Nigel Jenney attended the Farm to Fork summit at 10 Downing Street, where the Prime Minister laid out a clear ambition to grow our fruit and vegetable sector.

Nigel Jenney emphasised the importance of innovation in the sector. “The need for assistance in helping UK growers embrace innovation is paramount to overcoming the challenges faced by the industry,” he said.

Government announced its commitment to increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables grown domestically, growing the Controlled Environment Horticulture subsector, and classifying fresh produce as a key growth sector which is critical to delivering our food security.

A blueprint to deliver these aims was published on 14th May 2024, showcasing some of the initial steps Departments will take - from increased funding for the sector, to new regulatory reviews, and announcements of stakeholder-government task and finish workshops.

Government unveils major package of farming and food sector support - GOV.UK (

A blueprint to grow the UK fruit and vegetable sector - GOV.UK (

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