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Reminder to complete Defra Plant Health - EU Fruit & Vegetable Stakeholder Engagement DEADLINE 14th Aug 2024

Plant health controls apply to any goods that are regulated to prevent the introduction or movement of harmful pests into, and within, Great Britain:

Part A of Annex 11 lists high- and medium-risk goods posing a known threat, that require... Read more...

Re-issuing and re-forwarding phytosanitary certificates - Change to process

There has been a recent change to the way you can now apply for a re-issue of a phytosanitary or re-forwarding phytosanitary certificate. You will no longer need to email your inspector or APHA, you can now request this yourself via PHES.

BRC Issue Retailer Statement in relation to SMETA 7 requirements

Following the implementation of SMETA version 7 in September 2024, the BRC have issued a response from the major retailers in relation to the Responsible Recruitment requirements specifically the Employer Pays Principle - EPP and Collaborative Act... Read more...

Press Release from Europol - 18th July 24

Hit against fake pesticides across South-Eastern Europe

Illegal pesticides sold on the black market found to poison farmland and nature reserves in Italy and Spain

Europol supported two major operatio...

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Fresh Produce Consortium


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