FPC Code of Conduct


FPC is the UK’s fresh produce trade association, owned by, and working exclusively for, its vast membership. Widely recognised as the voice of the UK industry, the FPC plays a unique and crucial role in creating opportunities and supporting the growth of its members’ businesses.

This Code of Conduct sets out the standards of professionalism and clarifies the conduct expected of members and individuals who volunteer their time to support in the governance of the FPC or provision or attendance of FPC activities, regardless of whether they are a member or not

The FPC prides itself on being an open and inclusive body. The FPC represents individuals in the UK and overseas, and adopts best practice to innovate and improve performance whilst preserving long-standing values of professionalism and excellence. The effectiveness of the FPC is enhanced by its members working together to uphold the highest standards of respect, trust and integrity.

All members and attendees of FPC events are required to follow this Code of Conduct. The policies and procedures referred to in this Code of Conduct reflect the values of the FPC and are designed to inform members about their responsibilities such that their own, and the FPC’s, reputation is maintained. Therefore, they are expected to follow this Code of Conduct and all related policies.


Members will:

1.1. support the objectives of the FPC;

1.2. act in the best interests of FPC and not bring the association into disrepute or create liability;

1.3. not allow use of the FPC name, property or resources by other parties unless permission has been gained to do so including but not limited to political purposes;

1.4. look after any FPC property in their possession;

1.5. maintain high standards of professional behaviour and lead by example;

1.6. maintain good and effective working relationships with the [CEO, the FPC Executive Team] and other members;

1.7. within 28 days of receiving any gift or hospitality over the value of [£25], provide written notification to the [Chief Executive Officer (CEO)] of the existence and nature of that gift or hospitality;

1.8. follow legislation and any FPC policy published from time to time regarding equality, diversity and inclusion, including safeguarding and equal opportunities; and

1.9. where an activity involves using or imparting professional or technical expertise, ensure that capabilities and knowledge are appropriate and up to date.


2.1. The FPC hosts a variety of events and meetings throughout the year to offer a valuable opportunity for networking and are often combined with visits to locations of interest to the industry, including without limitation [HR and Technical Meetings]: 2.1.1. [In the Technical Meetings, the FPC discuss a wide range of technical issues affecting all sectors of the industry to ensure Members keep up to date with regulatory developments and food safety issues.]

2.1.2. [The HR meetings cover topics such as mental health in the workplace, supporting EU workers, industry response to the immigration white paper, salary and benefits

2.2. Chair. The CEO shall act as Chair of all meetings. In their absence, the CEO will invite their deputy to act as Chair.

2.3. Notice. Unless otherwise agreed, reasonable notice of each meeting or event and details confirming the venue, time and date shall be given to each member of the FPC and any other person required to attend.

2.4. Quorum. At least [2] Members shall be present at each meeting or event.

2.5. Conduct. Members will: 2.5.1. plan and run any meetings or events in line with best practice;

2.5.2. ensure compliance with health and safety legislation and any policy published by the FPC from time to time including risk assessments; and

2.5.3. behave in an appropriate and respectful manner to all those in attendance.


Members will:

3.1. disclose any personal conflicts of interest or concerns about the behaviour or activities of other members where they may breach this code;

3.2. withdraw from a meeting (by leaving the room in which such meeting is taking place) whenever is becomes apparent that the matter (in which the applicable person has personal or prejudicial interest in) is being considered in that meeting unless they have obtained written dispensation from the CEO and do not seek to influence a decision about that matter; and

3.3. not use their position for personal gain financially or materially, including the acceptance of gifts, rewards or benefits, without authorisation.


Members will:

4.1. maintain high standards of communication when acting on behalf of FPC;

4.2. use any FPC communication channels, including social media in a professional manner; and

4.3. report any grievances or complaints that they or other attendees of events to the FPC Executive Team.

5. CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY FPC is committed to protecting personal information. We want to maintain the trust and confidence of every one of our members, employees and volunteers as well as protect FPC’s reputation. Accordingly, members will:

5.1. comply with FPC’s Privacy Policy with regard to personal contact data;

5.2. if asked by any media to comment or be a spokesperson on any issue that could be controversial, contact FPC before doing so;

5.3. not disclose information given to them in confidence or info that they believe is confidential without consent of a person authorised or unless required by law;

5.4. not prevent another person from gaining access to information to which that person is entitled by law.


Members will:

6.1. avoid criminal or illegal behaviour, including fraud and corruption; and

6.2. ensure that any meetings, activities and events, are run as required by the following documents:
6.2.1. Terms and conditions

6.2.2. Cookie policy

6.2.3. Acceptable use

6.2.4. Privacy policy


Any member may, if they become aware of any conduct by another such person which they reasonably believe involves a failure to comply with this Code of Conduct, make a written allegation to that effect to the CEO as soon as practical for them to do so. It will then be for the CEO and the FPC Executive Team to conclude the most appropriate course of action.