Single adult male Colorado beetle found in Hampshire

Single adult male Colorado beetle found in Hampshire

14 Jul 2023

The Animal and Plant Health Agency has today (Friday 14 July 2023) confirmed finding a single adult male Colorado beetle in a garden in Hampshire. For information, please see the below GOV.UK content that will be published today.

Colorado potato beetle confirmed in Hampshire

  • Growers, farmers, processors and the public are asked to remain vigilant after the Animal and Plant Health Agency confirmed the finding of a single adult male Colorado potato beetle in Hampshire.
  • Colorado potato beetle adults and larvae pose a significant threat to potato crops but do not threaten human or animal health.

A single adult male beetle identified in Hampshire was today (Friday 14 July) confirmed by Defra and the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) as Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata).

Confirmation was made following laboratory diagnosis of samples taken by APHA’s Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate. This follows an unrelated outbreak of the beetle in the Kent area earlier this week.

The confirmation comes following a report made by a member of the public in Hampshire. APHA removed the beetle and will be conducting surveys in gardens, potato crops and land around the finding to ensure there are no other Colorado beetles present.

If not eradicated, Colorado potato beetles are a significant threat to potato crops. The adult beetles and larvae feed on the foliage of potato and other plants in the nightshade family and can completely strip them of their leaves if they are left uncontrolled. However, they are not a threat to human or animal health.