Seasonal Workers 2023 - Grower update and discussion

Seasonal Workers 2023 - Grower update and discussion

14 Jul 2023

All growers who use seasonal workers are invited to an update and open discussion on their 2023 season experiences, including any ongoing or new challenges and where further guidance would be helpful.

This will take place on 27th July at 11am for one hour. To register, click here. The agenda is as follows:

  • Update on seasonal workers’ supply, government and other stakeholders’ positions, Grower Seasonal Workers’ Toolkit & Checklist – David Camp, ALP Chair
  • Update on Seasonal Workers’ Scheme Taskforce and Workstream activities – Hannah Newcomb, Taskforce Secretariat Lead/Stronger Together Co-CEO

2023 Growers’ Experience – this season’s challenges and further support that would be helpful - Open discussion facilitated by Louise Nicholls, FNET Technical Lead