Preparing your load for inspection & getting it right at Sevington

Preparing your load for inspection & getting it right at Sevington

3 Jun 2024

There are several things you can do to help reduce the amount of time your goods may spend at a Border Control Post (BCP).

1. Place goods that have 100% or high inspection rates at the back of the load, immediately in front of the doors, so they can be accessed quickly and easily. If we need to remove other pallets, to access goods for inspection, this will add delay.

. If your driver is sent to Sevington Inland Border Facility, they will need to tell the staff at the front booths that they are carrying import goods and are there for a Defra/Border Control Post (BCP) Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) check and present the Goods Movement Reference (GMR) to the staff at the front booths. Where possible, drivers should also carry and present the CHED reference number. Staff will then direct you to the Border Control Post (BCP) part of the site, to enable a Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) check on the goods to take place. Doing this will avoid the delay associated with incorrectly being directed to the HMRC part of the site, before being redirected to the BCP.

To find out which plants and plant products are more likely to be stopped for inspection, visit our Plant Health Portal.