CIPC Store Testing Data Required by CIPC Residues Monitoring Group

CIPC Store Testing Data Required by CIPC Residues Monitoring Group

5 Jun 2024

The CIPC Residues Monitoring Group (CRMG) is a cross-industry body which has been set up by the UK potato industry to satisfy the data submission requirements of the Health & Safety Executive’s Chemical Regulation Division (CRD) for measurement of chlorpropham (CIPC) residues in potatoes held in potato stores previously treated with CIPC.

The need has arisen from a decision made by CRD to set a temporary Maximum Residue Level (tMRL) for CIPC of 0.35 mg/kg from April 2024

The Group is seeking the co-operation of growers and suppliers from all production sectors to provide residue data from compliance sampling for over 120
potato stores annually to meet the CRD data requirement.

Further details are included in the one pager below:

CIPC Store data request