Water abstraction statistics 2000 - 2018

Abstraction is the removal of water resources, permanently or temporarily, from rivers, lakes, canals, reservoirs or from underground strata. This release and the accompanying datasets provide estimates of licensed and actual abstraction by licence holders for a variety of purposes in England.

The changes in abstraction levels between one year and the next can be due to a variety of factors, including:

  • Prevailing weather conditions, for example, drier and warmer years could result in an increase or decrease in abstraction.
  • Changes to how licence holders operate which impacts on the quantities of water abstracted.
  • Changes to abstraction licences, such as the issue of new licences and modifications to, or revocation of, existing licences.

Click on the link to find details on abstraction:

Water abstraction statistics: England, 2000 to 2018 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)