DEFRA Biodiversity Indicators Statistics 2022

These DEFRA data sets provide a detailed statistical update of 24 indicators that give an overview of biodiversity in England.

The 2022 publication of the Biodiversity Indicators updates 7 of the 24 indicators. This reduced publication has been produced at the same time as a thorough review of the indicators during 2022.

The 7 indicators which have been updated in 2022 are:

  • 1 - Condition of protected areas
  • 5 - Species in the wider countryside: farmland (butterflies only)
  • 6 - Species in the wider countryside: woodland (butterflies only)
  • 10 - Biodiversity and ecosystem services: distribution of pollinators
  • 15 - Funding for biodiversity
  • 17 - Sustainable consumption
  • 19a - Air pollution

ENV09 - England biodiversity indicators - GOV.UK (

England biodiversity indicators - GOV.UK (

UK_Wild_birds_1970-2020_FINAL.pdf (

UK Biodiversity Indicators 2022 | JNCC - Adviser to Government on Nature Conservation

Official statistics - GOV.UK (