WTO Notification for HFRNAO Import control

WTO Notification for HFRNAO Import control

12 Sept 2022

The Official Controls (Import of High Risk Food and Feed not of Animal Origin) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2022

Retained Regulation 2019/1793 lays down rules concerning the temporary increase of official controls applicable to certain food and feed of non-animal origin entering Great Britain from the countries listed in that Regulation.

Amendments have been requested for the levels of testing for pesticide residues, aflatoxins and pathogens.

Note: Increased levels of pesticide testing for citrus / peppers from Turkey, okra from India, peppers from Thailand and Uganda

WTO notification HRFNAO Sep 2022


OCR Reg 22 Wales HRFNAO

OCR Reg 22 Scotland HRFNAO