Steve Reed Briefs on a new Food Strategy - 10th December

Steve Reed Briefs on a new Food Strategy - 10th December

11 Dec 2024

Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Steve Reed today confirmed to businesses and industry groups from across the food sector that work is underway to develop an ambitious new food strategy.

The strategy will set the food system up for long-term success and will deliver wide ranging improvements. This will set it up for success in ensuring it is able to feed the nation, can realise its potential for economic growth, protect the planet, and nourish individuals.

The food strategy will work to improve our food system to:

• provide healthier, more easily accessible food to tackle obesity and give children the best start in life and help adults live longer healthier lives, building on the government’s existing work to tackle obesity and improve health.

• maintain food security by building resilience in the face of climate shocks and geopolitical changes and protecting the supply chain which operates so effectively to keep us fed.

• drive the investment, productivity and innovation that will ensure that the food and drink sector – our largest manufacturing sector – can realise its potential for economic growth.

• support the Farming Roadmap to reduce the impact of farming on nature and biodiversity and deliver a credible plan to decarbonise food and farming, while supporting the sector through that transition.

• Development of the strategy will be led by Defra, but with close collaboration cross-government including with the Department of Health and Social Care and Department for Education.

• This will be alongside a new way of working with the sector, which is key in developing an effective strategy. We are working to build on strong partnerships with the sector to create a strategy that draws on shared expertise and collective commitments, backed by a clear vision and framework for change from government.

• The government will form a coalition with food sector leaders, academics and charities and key thinkers to corral our collective ambition, influence, and effort. A new sector delivery board will ensure a joined-up and systems-wide approach, with clear impactful outcomes. Structured engagement with food system actors to develop the strategy will begin in the new year.

• The UK’s food system is fully integrated across the four nations. To reflect this, the strategy will consider the food system across the whole of the UK. and, with significant elements of food policy being devolved, the UK Government will work closely with the Devolved Governments to ensure a coordinated approach and that the strategy complements work undertaken at a national level.

Image credit: Steven Reed ©House of Commons