Science for Sustainable Agriculture – new platform launched to promote science-based debate, challenge misinformation

Science for Sustainable Agriculture – new platform launched to promote science-based debate, challenge misinformation

26 May 2022

Launched in Parliament on 25th May, Science for Sustainable Agriculture (SSA) is a new policy and communications platform, offering a focal point for information and debate around modern, sustainable agriculture and food production.

The platform has been inspired by, and will work closely with, the influential All-Party Parliamentary Group on Science and Technology in Agriculture, which first led calls for the Government’s UK Agri-Tech Strategy under former chair (now science minister) George Freeman MP and, more recently, persuaded Ministers to change restrictive EU rules on gene editing technologies under current chair Julian Sturdy MP.

Supported by an independent advisory group of political, scientific and industry leaders from a range of sectors and backgrounds, SSA’s aim is to promote a conversation rooted in scientific evidence, rather than ideology.

Science for Sustainable Agriculture will provide a platform for like-minded individuals and organisations to champion and explain the vital role of science and technology in safeguarding our food supply, tackling climate change and protecting the natural environment.