Added Value Grant for Agriculture - £25,000 - £300,000

Added Value Grant for Agriculture - £25,000 - £300,000

26 May 2022

You can apply for a grant for buildings, machinery or equipment so that producers can add value to eligible agricultural products after they are harvested or reared.

Eligible agricultural products include:

  • arable and horticultural crops (including food and non-food crops)
  • livestock products (including dairy, meat, skins and hides)
  • non-food crops (including fodder, fibres and flowers)

See the list of eligible agricultural products.

The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) will prioritise funding for projects that:

  • increase, improve or introduce new processing capabilities
  • grow your business - to improve business resilience
  • process products for the first time
  • shorten supply chains
  • encourage collaboration and partnerships
  • improve environmental sustainability
  • You will have a stronger application the more you meet the grant’s funding priorities.

Who can apply

You can apply for a grant if you’re a:

  • grower or other producer of agricultural products (by which we mean you carry on an agricultural or horticultural activity, including rearing livestock)
  • business processing agricultural or horticultural products which is at least 50% owned by agricultural or horticultural producers

How much money you can apply for

The minimum grant you can apply for is £25,000 (40% of £62,500). The maximum grant for adding value is £300,000 per applicant business.

Grants can cover up to a maximum rate of 40% of the eligible costs of a project. At least 60% of the project costs must be paid for with money from private sources like savings or a bank loan.

You need to be able to pay the remaining project costs. You can use loans, overdrafts and certain other monies, for example the Basic Payment Scheme or agri-environment schemes, such as the Countryside Stewardship scheme.

You cannot use other public money (for example grant funding from local authorities) towards the project costs. You cannot use this grant to carry out capital works which are required under other agreements.

For more information - click here About the Adding Value grant, who can apply and what the grant can pay for - GOV.UK (