Publication of updated Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging Illustrative Base Fees

Publication of updated Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging Illustrative Base Fees

1 Oct 2024

This article applies to all four administrations of the UK

To prepare businesses for the implementation of the packaging EPR scheme, the four UK administrations have today published the second in a series of illustrative base fees.

Revised illustrative base fees

The illustrative fees have decreased across all materials when compared to the first set of illustrative base fees released in mid-August 2024. The size of the ranges has also decreased across all the materials (except for wood, which represents less than 1% of packaging on the market).

You can access the latest set of illustrative base fees on 

Using Report Packaging Data (RPD) to calculate fees

These second set of base fees use an updated methodology, generally using 'Report Packaging Data’ (RPD) on producer reported tonnages from 2023 alongside Defra-modelled Local Authority costs. This is the same underlying approach and datasets that the Scheme Administrator intends to use for final fees from 2025, with all tonnages based on RPD data.

Join the EPR for packaging fees webinar to find out more

This webinar will be an opportunity for stakeholders to ask in-depth questions, relay feedback, and receive details on further opportunities for engaging with Government on matters relating to the published EPR illustrative base fees.  Once you have read the publication and if you still have questions, you can submit these through the mailbox. We will aim to answer these within the webinar presentation.

Date: 3 October 2024

Time: 11.30 am -12.30 pm

Registration: Please register for the webinar here

This webinar is for those businesses that are obligated under EPR for packaging. For those that cannot attend, a recording will be made available via the R&W newsletter.

Please note that this is a technical webinar and will only cover detail about the published EPR illustrative base fees.

Resources and Waste – Business Readiness Forum

We will also provide a summary update of the Illustrative Base Fees at the next Business Readiness Forum.

Date: 1 October 2024

Time: 10am-11.30am

Registration: Please register for the forum here

For those that cannot attend, a recording will be made available via the R&W newsletter.