Plastic Packaging Tax Consultation launched

Plastic Packaging Tax Consultation launched

19 Jul 2023

This consultation explores the application of a mass balance approach to determine the amount of chemically recycled plastic in a plastic packaging component for the purposes of the Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT). It seeks views on whether a mass balance approach should be accepted as a way of allocating recycled plastic content to packaging, and, if so, the controls and standards that should be adopted to ensure the integrity of the tax.

This is most relevant for businesses (including those in the plastics value chain such as petrochemical businesses and mechanical recyclers), individuals, tax advisers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academia/research, certification, trade and professional bodies and other interested parties.

The consultation will run for 12 weeks from 18 July 2023 to 10 October 2023.

Plastic Packaging Tax - chemical recycling and adoption of a mass balance approach - GOV.UK (