National Audit Office publishes Energy Report

National Audit Office publishes Energy Report

22 Jun 2022

The National Audit Office has released their report on the Energy Supplier Market

Key facts
Number of energy suppliers that have failed since July 2021 - 29

Ofgem’s current best estimate of the cost of transferring customers of failed energy suppliers to new suppliers through the ‘supplier of last resort’ (SOLR) process
and missed payments to support renewable generation - £2.7bn

Total number of customers that have moved to new suppliers through the SOLR process since July 2021 - 2.4m

Nearly six-fold the increase in the weekly average wholesale price of gas that took place between February 2021 and December 2021

78% increase in the bill for a typical customer purchasing energy at the price cap since its introduction, rising from £1,105 per year in the winter of 2018-19, to £1,971 in the summer of 2022

Find a summary here: The energy supplier market (

and the full report here: The energy supplier market (