Low Risk EU Prenotification Removal from 17th November 2023

Low Risk EU Prenotification Removal from 17th November 2023

10 Oct 2023

The Border Target Operating Model (BTOM), which introduces the new timeline of implementation for import controls was published on 29 August 2023.

As part of the new BTOM risk categorisation, from the 17 November 2023, you will no longer be required to make pre-notifications on IPAFFS or PEACH for low-risk fruit and vegetables from the EU.

If your goods are of EU origin or are of non-EU origin but have entered free circulation in the EU, then you will no longer be required to pre-notify. A list of goods impacted by this can be found on the Plant Health Portal.

Risk assessments are a dynamic process, so all commodities remain under continuous review. Fruit and vegetables, including those from the EU, are being prioritised to address uncertainties to make sure they are in the most appropriate category. Trade will be given sufficient advance notification of any changes.

Further information on this update can be found on the Plant Health Portal.

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