IPAFFS Messaging

IPAFFS Messaging

17 Jul 2024

IPAFFS messaging will be reinstated for the following Common Health Entry Documents (CHED) types on Tuesday 16 July 2024 - CHED D, P & PP. If you pre-notify using one of these CHED types you may experience an increased volume of messages via IPAFFS following this update. You should ensure that you regularly check your dashboard and continue to provide the details of nominated contacts when notifying.

IPAFFS Messaging improvements for CHED PP submissions: Notifiers and nominated contacts to receive additional messaging providing updates on consignments being imported into Great Britain

Feedback received from Trade since 30 April 2024 sought consignment inspection outcomes be communicated directly to notifiers and nominated contacts. Defra is delighted to announce that, from Tuesday 16 July 2024, the improved IPAFFS messaging service, initially only for CHED PP (Plant Products), includes this capability. IPAFFS has been refined to send an email update when a consignment has reached a finalised status.

From Tuesday, 16 July 2024 DEFRA will begin to provide additional updates on CHED-PP consignments coming into Great Britain via email and SMS.

These emails will provide an update throughout the journey of your consignments. You will receive an SMS or email 2 hours before the estimated time of arrival confirming whether your consignment is required to attend a BCP or CP for inspection. These messages will be sent to nominated contacts mentioned on the CHED PP and the person responsible for the notification:

  1. Health inspection is now required – An inspector has reviewed the import notification with a decision that an inspection is required
  1. No need for a health inspection – An inspector has reviewed the import notification, and the consignment does not require an inspection.

In addition, for CHED PP an email will also be received informing notifiers and nominated contacts whether the consignment has;

  1. Inspection complete – Reached valid status – the consignment is no longer held for plant health control purposes
  1. Inspection complete – reach a rejected status – the consignment is being held for plant health purposes.


Defra Plant Health Team

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