HMRC will introduce an enhancement to GVMS

HMRC will introduce an enhancement to GVMS

12 May 2023

From 16 May 2023, HMRC will introduce an enhancement to GVMS which will enable you to upload up to 2500 Import Movement Reference Numbers (MRNs) for EU – GB movements, by uploading a file into each GMR via the UI, as opposed to the current process in which multiple MRNs are added individually. This enhancement will not impact the current capability to add individual MRNs if customers choose to do so.

To upload multiple MRNs, your file must

• be in Comma-Separated Values in CSV, Microsoft Excel 2007-present (XLSX) or Open Document Spreadsheet (ODS) format

• have one MRN per row • use column 1 for MRN reference

• use column 2 for entry summary declaration (ENS), also known as Safety and Security MRNs.

The upload will be a simple copy and paste function from haulier systems to a CSV file provided via the Web UI which, when submitted, will upload those MRNs to the GMR. The Web UI will provide on screen upload instructions. A reminder of this information will be set out on screen when you make declarations.