High Risk Food of Non Animal Origin SPS Checks FSA Consultation - Reg 2019/1793

High Risk Food of Non Animal Origin SPS Checks FSA Consultation - Reg 2019/1793

27 Jul 2023

The FSA are seeking comments on proposed amendments to updating the lists in the Annexes of Retained (EU) Regulation 2019/1793. The proposed amendments would apply a temporary increase of official controls and special conditions governing the entry into Great Britain of certain food and feed of non-animal origin from certain countries.

New fresh produce commodities are proposed for additional SPS checks. FPC members can gain a summarised version below for a quick easy reference for fresh produce changes.

You can respond to the FSA consultation directly or through FPC as preferred.

To respond directly, please click here: Consultation Imported Food Controls

To respond through FPC, please email: kshields@freshproduce.org.uk

The deadline for response is 28th August 2023.