General Guidance on attending an Inland Border Facility

General Guidance on attending an Inland Border Facility

12 Sept 2022

HMRC are aware that some drivers are still attending an IBF unnecessarily – and once at the IBF drivers cannot leave the site until their arrival is processed.

The following information aims to help save time and unnecessary delays by helping hauliers, freight forwarders and drivers understand when to attend an IBF.

Hauliers moving goods on behalf of an agent should only attend an IBF when notified by their agent.

Some common examples of unnecessary attendance at an IBF include:

  • For exports, drivers inappropriately attending when they’re Route 1 and are required to provide the National Clearance Hub (NCH) with additional information before NCH can clear, or before it has been determined if an inspection is required. Advice on how to provide information to the NCH can be found on GOV.UK.
  • For imports, drivers not checking the Goods Vehicle Movements Service (GVMS) to see if a hold has been applied; drivers attending an IBF even after they’ve checked they are Route 6 clear “just to be safe”; and drivers attending during GVMS downtime.

Hauliers, freight forwarders and drivers can pre-notify HMRC that they’re attending an IBF, and this can reduce time spent at the Office of Departure.

Please refer to the guidance on telling HMRC that you’re going to be attending an IBF on GOV.UK.

For general information on IBF’s, please click here: Inland Border Facilities

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12 Sept 2022