Best of the Best Fresh Produce Business of the Year 2021 - Total Produce

Best of the Best Fresh Produce Business of the Year 2021 - Total Produce

26 Nov 2021

To be the best in the fresh produce industry you need to be evolving constantly to meet the needs of customers. Total Produce can trace its roots back to the 1850s, and today it is part of Dole Plc, the world’s leading premier fresh produce provider.

The combined success of these two companies is based on an absolute focus on the customer and on product quality, as well as continual improvement of social and environmental practices.

Tight control of the supply chain and close association with like-minded growers is key. With over 300 lines from over 80 countries, dedicated logistics help to maintain freshness along the supply chain and direct to global customers. With around 160 distribution hubs this is a global company which maintains its local focus and expertise.

Congratulations to Total Produce, truly a stellar business, with great people and brands.