Authorised Operator  Status (AOS) - Update

Authorised Operator Status (AOS) - Update

12 Sept 2023

The Border Target Operating (BTOM) was published on 29 August 2023.

The (BTOM) sets out new controls to create a world-class border system based on smarter use of data and technology. The model has been developed in collaboration with the Scottish and Welsh Governments to implement a coherent approach. Find out more about the BTOM by attending a sector specific online session.

Authorised Operator Status (AOS)

One of the proposals within the BTOM is to explore the introduction of a delegated authority model for the checks of plants and plant products, which would allow eligible traders to manage their own SPS risks. The approach would be called ‘Authorised Operator Status’ (AOS).

AOS proposes to give responsibility to Authorised Operators (AOs) to carry out their own physical and identity checks, provided they meet certain eligibility criteria such as completion of prescribed training.

AOS would allow importers to have the opportunity  to benefit from additional flexibility over the location and timing of their import checks.

AOS Pilot 

AOS is a proposal, and the decision on whether to implement AOS will be taken following the pilot. Defra will be testing some aspects of pilot processes in Autumn 2023. Subject to successful testing, a live pilot with traders will commence Q2 2024, to test the end-to-end process of operating as an AO.

Useful information:

Sign up for an AOS focused online session