Horticulture webinar: Industrial Energy Transformation Fund




The Controlled Environment Horticulture (CEH) sector is now eligible to access Phase 3 of the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund. IETF supports businesses with high energy use to cut their bills and carbon emissions by investing in energy efficiency and low carbon technologies. Phase 3 will provide £185m to businesses across two competition windows this year, with first round currently open until the 19th April.

DESNZ and Defra invite you to join a horticulture specific webinar for new CEH applicants interested in the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund on the 28th February from 3-4pm. Click here to register.

The webinar is for those working in the Controlled Environment Horticulture sector and interested in the IETF. It will include an overview of the fund, eligibility criteria, and how submit an application.

The webinar will be recorded but we encourage you to join on the day for a live Q&A with IETF colleagues. Further questions on IETF can be directed to: ietf@energysecurity.gov.uk