FPC Technical Group Summer 2021




The Technical Group is open to all FPC members. This meeting will be held online.

Our agenda for this meeting will cover:

  1. Matters arising from the last meeting
  2. Update from the Chemicals Regulation Directorate/HSE
  3. Trading in 2021: feedback on issues
  • Tariff Rate Quota - garlic
  • IPAFFS pre-notification and IPPC e-phyto hub
  • Trading with Northern Ireland
  • Labour availability, including drivers.
  • Forthcoming plant health import controls including on Prodiplosis Longifilia.
  • Sustainability: discussion and round-up of FPC activities including -Freshfel's Environmental Working Group; Courtauld/WRAP - Water Security Roadmap and Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Working Group; food waste reduction; UK Government's Net Zero Strategy and Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging.
  • Food safety matters including: Salmonella B linked to fresh whole melon; Codex Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene and HACCP.

Please contact sian@freshproduce.org.uk if you would like to attend and would like more details.