BTOM - What does this mean for the Fresh Produce Sector? - DEFRA Training Session




The UK government has published the draft Border Target Operating Model, also known as the TOM, which sets out a world-leading model for the import of goods, including plants and plant products, underpinned by an intelligent approach to risk management.

The TOM continues the phased approach of biosecurity controls to the import regime of plants and plant products between GB and the EU.

There are certification requirements coming into force from January 2024 and changes to the checks of goods from April 2024 which will affect the horticultural sector.

Defra are running sector specific monthly online training sessions to prepare traders for the new Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) import controls (certification and border checks) within the new Border Target Operating Model (BTOM).

In just 60 minutes, this online session will help horticultural traders to understand the actions they need to take to prepare for these changes.

You can register here: BTOM: What does this mean for the fresh produce sector? Tickets, Wed 13 Sep 2023 at 11:00 | Eventbrite