2025 SWS Taskforce Independent Worker Surveys




All UK businesses that employ horticultural seasonal visa workers are invited to join a 40 minute webinar on 14th January at 1pm to introduce the SWS Taskforce Independent Worker Surveys - Register Here.

What is the SWS Taskforce Independent Worker Survey?

  • Three worker surveys will be sent throughout the season to all visa workers by their Scheme Operator.
  • Growers will have access to live data related to their own business via a protected dashboard. Scheme Operators will have access to live data for their own workers and the growers they supply.
  • Timely and in-season results will enable growers and Scheme Operators to promptly identify, resolve and remediate issues raised. All Scheme Operators are supporting these surveys.
  • There is no cost to growers for these surveys which are funded through the Seasonal Worker Scheme Taskforce (see link for the current list of funding organisations).
  • Taskforce authorised organisations will have access to aggregated and high level trend data only and no access to any specific company results, hence ensuring anonymity and confidentiality.

Why should growers attend the Webinar?

  • To receive an introduction to the purpose and intended impact of the SWS Taskforce surveys.
  • To understand how the surveys will work in practice and the types of questions asked.
  • To see how easy it is to access their own live data of survey responses with a preview of the reporting dashboard and assurance regarding anonymity and confidentiality.

To register your place on the webinar: Register Here. If unable to attend live, a recording will be shared which you will be able to watch at a later date.