WRAP seeks industry views on setting greenhouse gas accounting principles

WRAP seeks industry views on setting greenhouse gas accounting principles

1 Mar 2021

Many food & drink businesses are setting targets to reduce scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions – and in the future measuring and reporting scope 3 emissions may become a mandatory requirement for large businesses in the UK, and a common expectation from banks and investors.

Scope 3 emissions present a particular challenge for food & drink particularly because of the proportion of emissions that arise in agricultural production = biological systems which are inherently difficult to quantify with accuracy and subject to significant variability.

Currently there is no agreed, consistent basis to measure Scope 3 emissions – and the lack of level playing field and proliferation of approaches could cause inertia and a barrier to the more important task: reducing emissions.

WRAP is asking FPC and its members for their views on setting principles for accounting for greenhouse gas emissions. We'd like to hear from members on the WRAP proposals.