Wrap Issue Guidance on Behaviour Change for Fresh produce in the home

Wrap Issue Guidance on Behaviour Change for Fresh produce in the home

31 May 2023

Around 320,000 tonnes of edible fresh fruit and 1.3 million tonnes of edible fresh vegetables and salad are wasted in UK homes each year, worth an estimated £3.8 billion. Approximately £2.2 billion of this is wasted because it is not eaten in time.

We know fresh produce spoilage is linked to its perishability, which is exacerbated by being stored in sub-optimal conditions. To prompt people to change the way they store fresh fruit and vegetables, WRAP developed and piloted a ‘kit’ or suite of behaviour change interventions to help people prolong the life of their fresh produce, thereby making it stay fresher for longer. The kits contained:

  • Fridge decal stickers that indicate the correct food storage in zoned fridges
  • An A5 shopping list pad with storage guidance
  • A tote bag with on-bag storage guidance displayed
  • An information leaflet that contained a brief explanation of the kit and the project

You can read more about the initiative here:

Behaviour Change Intervention: Fresh Produce Storage | WRAP