Updated allergen guidance to reflect changes to labelling laws

Updated allergen guidance to reflect changes to labelling laws

18 Jun 2020

The FSA has published updated technical guidance for allergen labelling following changes for pre-packed for direct sale food. These changes complement existing labelling rules on providing allergen information to consumers.

The changes, which are now enshrined in legislation in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, will come into effect from 1 October 2021.

The updated technical guidance reflects the legislative changes and will help businesses and enforcement authorities understand the new requirements.

The changes were introduced after an earlier UK-wide consultation following the death of teenager Natasha Ednan-Laperouse as a result of an allergic reaction to sesame in a baguette she had eaten.

The new requirements only apply to food known as prepacked for direct sale (PPDS), which is packaged onsite by a business before a customer selects or orders it from the same premises.

It means that PPDS food will be required to have a label with an ingredients list and the allergens contained emphasised on the list. This brings the way allergen information is provided for it in line with other prepacked food and reduces consumer confusion.