The New Computer Transit System (NCTS) email channel is closing

The New Computer Transit System (NCTS) email channel is closing

6 May 2022

The NCTS email channel will no longer accept any new declarations after 11:59pm on 31 May 2022.

This is the end point for submissions via the email channel. From this date all users of the email channel will need to use the new XML API Channel. The new XML API Channel provides a more stable platform for submission of Transit Declarations, can better handle predicted post EU Exit volumes and is more secure than the outgoing Legacy XML Channel.

If you are still using the email channel to submit Transit declarations, we recommend you transition as soon as you can to give sufficient time to ensure you are completely ready to use the new XML API. You should check with your software provider immediately about what these changes mean for you and what action you need to take to be ready for you to use the new XML API Channel before 31 May 2022. Recent experience of the closure of the legacy XML channel showed that you do need to allocate time to move over successfully.