The National Audit Office Call for evidence Re: The UK border

The National Audit Office Call for evidence Re: The UK border

7 Nov 2023

The National Audit Office call for evidence re: The UK border

The National Audit Office (NAO) is the UK’s independent public spending watchdog. More information on their role can be found National Audit Office - About Us.

About this study

The NAO has published five reports on the status of preparations and the government’s management of the border in relation to the UK’s exit from the EU. The most recent on this was The UK border: Post UK-EU transition period, which was published in November 2021.

They are now working on another study related to this area. Our next report will consider:

• How the UK border has been operating in relation to the movement of goods since the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020.

• The government’s plans to complete the introduction of import controls as set out in its Border Target Operating Model.

• The government’s plans to implement its 2025 UK Border Strategy.

The study will focus on the movement of goods rather than people.

What we would like from you

Provide feedback on your observations relating to the following:

1. How smoothly has the UK – EU border operated since the end of the transition period?

a. What issues have you or your members experienced relating to trading across the UK-EU border?

b. How quickly and effectively has the UK government engaged with you or your members to resolve any issues?

c. Are there any areas where existing processes could be improved to aid the flow of trade / reduce costs for you or your members?

d. Do you have any estimates of the impact in terms of cost and time of additional border processes on you or your members?

2. What are your views on the government’s Border Target Operating Model and its plans for implementation?

a. Did the government consult effectively with you and your members regarding the development of its Border Target Operating Model?

b. Is the UK government providing you and your members with the information you require to be able to be implement the Border Target Operating Model?

c. Are there any specific areas of the Border Target Operating Model where you are concerned you or your members will not be able to make the required changes ahead of deadlines?

d. Are there are any specific areas where you would like to raise comments regarding the impact or opportunities presented by new controls?

3. In regard to the movement of goods, what are your views on the arrangements that the government intends to implement to support its ambition of having the world’s most effective border as set out in its 2025 UK Border Strategy?

a. Do you support the UK government’s plans for the transformation of the border as set out in the 2025 UK border strategy?

b. Which elements of the strategy are the most important for you and your members in terms of trading across the border?

c. Do you have any concerns regarding any specific elements of the government’s plans, or its ability to implement them?

They are aiming to publish a report in spring 2024.