T Level Technical Qualifications

T Level Technical Qualifications

22 Jun 2020

The UK Government is seeking views on the outline content to form the basis of the specifications for T Level Technical Qualifications covering Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care: Agriculture, land management and production.

The qualifications will be developed by awarding organisations for approval by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. One awarding organisation will be appointed to develop and deliver each Technical Qualification following a procurement process.

Colleges and other education and training providers will decide how to structure the T Level courses they offer, based on the qualification specifications. This will enable them to deliver the study programme’s mandatory components in the most effective way for students.

A T Level programme consists of a Technical Qualification, substantial industry placement, English and maths, and other occupation-specific requirements where essential for entry to skilled employment. This outline content relates solely to the Technical Qualification part of a T Level programme. Specialisms include floristry, and ornamental and environmental horticulture and landscaping.

Further information about T Levels is available on the website of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education: www.instituteforapprenticeships.org and at www.education.gov.uk