Single Trade Window User Research - Call for Engagement Sessions

Single Trade Window User Research - Call for Engagement Sessions

9 Aug 2023

The Single Trade Window Programme are looking for support from our members on upcoming User Research(UR) activity that the Trade Delivery Partner are running in Mid-August and early September.

These UR sessions will be between 60 - 90 minutes long and will be on Microsoft Teams. The UR team will be asking some questions on current import process experiences across different subjects and will also share a view of a STW prototype website and ask for your feedback on it.

The User Research dates are as follows –

  • STW Dashboard session Tues 15th – Thurs 17th August
  • Full Frontier Import Declarations (FFID) sessions – Tues 22nd – Thurs 24th August
  • Goods Movement Reference (GMR) sessions Weds 6th – Friday 9th Sept
  • S&S GB session Weds 6th Sept – Friday 8th Sept ( 60 minute session )

If you are interested in getting involved please send your preferred session & date to and they will add you to the list.