Seed Exporters - Change from eDomero to Plant Health Export System

Seed Exporters - Change from eDomero to Plant Health Export System

27 May 2022

Exporters of seeds from England and Wales will soon be able to register to use the Plant Health Export Service (PHES).

The Plant Health Export System (PHES) will replace eDomero through a phased migration of commodities over the next few months. The new service is faster, more efficient and provides a modern and user-friendly interface for traders to submit applications.

If you currently export seeds using the eDomero IT system, you will need to register for PHES which will open for registration at the end of May.

DEFRA will soon be holding a number of walkthrough webinar sessions to demonstrate how to register and submit export notifications for your plants and plant products. They will be sending out the registration link for these sessions very soon.