Recent Plant Health changes submitted to WTO

Recent Plant Health changes submitted to WTO

6 Jun 2022

A recent instrument change to will amend England, Scotland and Wales (Great Britain) retained legislation (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)2019/2072) and will introduce updated pest measures.

It will revise the list of GB quarantine pests:

•Move Thekopsora minima (Arthur) Sydow & P. Sydow from the list of GB quarantine pests to the list of GB regulated non-quarantine pests;

•Add various fungi and oomycetes, insects and mites, viruses, viroids and phytoplasmas to the list of provisional GB quarantine pests. A copy of the updated list is made available with this notification.

Other changes include:

•Extending the requirements concerning plants, plant products and other objects originating in third countries which may only be introduced into Great Britain if special requirements are met to include EU member states, Liechtenstein and Switzerland;

•A new additional requirement that the name of the pest free area is to be included on phytosanitary certificates for the Agrilus plannipennismeasures;

•Clarification of the Xylella fastidiosameasures, which require pest free areas for lower risk hosts to be notified in advance and that names of places/sites of production must be included on phytosanitary certificates;

•Seeds of PinusL. and Pseudotsuga menziesii(Mirbel) Franco will be subject to Article72 checks in GB retained legislation (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU)2019/2072);

•Correcting the name of the genus ChrysanthemumL., making no changes to the existing import requirements.

A draft of the legislation will be made available in due course.