Plant Health Legislation for autumn 2022

Plant Health Legislation for autumn 2022

19 Jul 2022

In November 2022, Defra are looking to introduce an update to Plant Health import requirements across Great Britain.

Some of the new measures are below, with fuller details on the Defra plant health portal -

Changes are being made to the list of GB quarantine pests:

Thekopsora minima (leaf rust of blueberry) no longer meets the criteria to be a GB quarantine pest. Therefore, Defra are preparing to regulate it as a regulated non-quarantine pest (RNQP).

Certain pests which, on the basis of a preliminary assessment, have met the criteria to be GB quarantine pests will be listed as provisional quarantine pests

Plant Health legislation changes that have been made to amend retained EU law, specifically the:

Plant Health Regulation (PHR)

Phytosanitary Conditions Regulation (PCR)

Official Controls Regulation (OCR)

These changes impact the requirements of businesses importing and exporting plants, plant products and other objects to and from Great Britain (GB).

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