Pesticide farm visits

Pesticide farm visits

10 Oct 2023

HSE’s Pesticide Enforcement Officers (PEOs) will begin a programme of visits to farms from November 2023.

These visits will be primarily selected from crop and arable (plus protected crops) farms of 150 acres and over who are not currently registered under the Official Controls (Plant Protection Products) Regulations 2020 (OCRPPPR) and have not been visited by HSE in the last 5 years.

The visit will focus on the management of pesticides on farm, considering both storage and use arrangements.

Where issues of non-compliance are identified, advice will be given in the form of verbal and/or written advice, and in the most serious of cases, enforcement notices may be served to set a specific timescale for remedial action to be taken. There will be no charge for these visits.

Further guidance is available on: