'Not for EU' Product Labelling Consultation

'Not for EU' Product Labelling Consultation

12 Feb 2024

The government is legislating to confirm that labelling requirements on agrifood products are applied across Great Britain, to ensure no incentive arises for businesses to avoid placing goods on the Northern Ireland market.

To currently use the Green Lane when moving product into Northern Ireland, palletised fruit and vegetable products must be labelled as "Not for EU".

The proposal is that from July 2025, fruit and vegetables packs will need to be individually labelled as "Not for EU" whether they are marketed in GB or NI.

The legal wording of which states, "on and after 1st July 2025, no person may place any other prepacked retail goods on the market in Great Britain unless each single item bears an individual “Not for EU marking."

Food businesses are being asked to consult on this legislation and you can do so by clicking the link below. There is a range of supporting documents on the landing page of the consultation for reference.

Marking of Retail Goods Consultation - Defra - Citizen Space