Nigel Jenney explains the BTOM bombshell on BBC Farming Today

Nigel Jenney explains the BTOM bombshell on BBC Farming Today

31 Jan 2024

BBC Radio 4's Farming Today recently delved into the challenges surrounding the importation of fresh produce

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Farming Today programme recently, Nigel Jenney, Chief Executive of the Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) voiced significant concerns following the UK government's decision to reclassify imported fresh produce from the EU from low to medium risk. This interview highlighted the complexities and uncertainties facing UK importers due to this change.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has stated that this reclassification is part of a phased approach to support businesses and ensure efficient trade between the EU and Great Britain. However, the specifics of the new classification, which will come into effect later in the year, remain unclear, causing confusion and concern among importers.

Jenney, representing the UK's fresh produce industry, expressed his apprehension about the ambiguity surrounding the change. "The uncertainty is not helping the industry," he told Farming Today. He elaborated on the industry's concerns, particularly regarding the substantial additional costs that will arise from the new requirements. These include various official documents, such as phytosanitary certificates, and inspections in both Europe and the UK.