Reduced plant health checks for certain products

Reduced plant health checks for certain products

6 Jan 2020

The European Commission has published changes to the frequency of plant health import checks for certain products. These changes will come into effect on 1 February 2020.

The key changes are:

  • All citrus from Israel will be subject to 100% checks of consignments
  • Citrus from Mexico will have a reduction in checks to minimum 50% of consignments.
  • Passiflora from South Africa will have increased checks to minimum 50% of consignments
  • Passiflora from Zimbabwe will have increased checks to minimum 75% of consignments
  • Prunus from South Africa (other than prunus persica) will have increased checks to minimum 10% of consignments
  • Prunus from the USA will be subject to 100% checks of consignments.
  • Solanum melongena from Turkey will have a reduction in checks to minimum 15% of consignments.

New products included from 1 February 2020 are:

  • Vaccinium from Chile – 10% minimum of consignments
  • Vaccinium from Peru – 10% minimum of consignments

FPC members can find a summary of the reduced plant health checks in the Importers Guide. An extract of the forthcoming new edition of the Importers Guide is available here for members.

For more details see the Notification from the European Commission.

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