New Plant Health Requirements 25th November 2022

New Plant Health Requirements 25th November 2022

25 Nov 2022

In November Defra introduced legislation (see here) to update to Plant Health import requirements across Great Britain.

What are the new measures?

Urgent legislative changes that comply with international obligations will come into force on 25th November 2022. These include:

  • Changes are being made to the list of GB quarantine pests:
    • Moving Thekopsora minima (Arthur) Sydow & P. Sydow from the list of GB quarantine pests to the list of GB regulated non-quarantine pests as it no longer meet the criteria to be a GB quarantine pest.

The remaining changes will come into force on 3rd May 2023:

  • Certain pests which, on the basis of a preliminary assessment, have met the criteria to be GB quarantine pests will be listed as provisional quarantine pests.
  • Extending the obligation concerning plants, plant products and other objects originating in third countries which may only be introduced into Great Britain if special requirements are met to include EU Member states, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, treating all countries equally.
  • Add for Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (emerald ash borer) a requirement that the name of the pest free area should be included on phytosanitary certificates.
  • Clarification of the Xylella fastidiosa wells et al.measures, to ensure that pest free areas for lower risk hosts are notified in advance and that names of places/sites of production are included on phytosanitary certificates.
  • Seeds of Pinus L. and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco will be subject to Article 72 checks.
  • Correcting the name of the genus Chrysanthemum L., making no changes to the existing import requirements.

The WTO have been notified of these new measures as appropriate.

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25 Nov 2022

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