NCTS5 Implementation Date Update

NCTS5 Implementation Date Update

30 Jan 2024

If you’re an NCTS user who moves goods using transit, please read this information carefully. If you represent an NCTS user, please make them aware of this update.

This is our first in a series of NCTS5 updates coming in 2024 and you can find all of our updates on

NCTS5 implementation date

We announced in October 2023 that the new date for implementing NCTS5 in the UK will now be 1 July 2024, to provide industry with additional time to prepare, taking advantage of the EU’s extended NCTS5 delivery timetable. You can read this update on

Upgrading to NCTS5 is a legal requirement of all Common Transit Convention (CTC) member countries, and the new system will offer improved functionality. Some of the new features of NCTS5 will not be available until every CTC member country is using NCTS5.

The following improvements will now not be effective until 22 January 2025: -

• Multiple House Consignments

o Up to 99x House Consignments, each with 999x line items, within 1 declaration

• Electronic presentation of Movement Reference Number (MRN)

o Instead of printing and carrying paper Transit Accompanying Documents (TADs), the MRN can be held on a phone/tablet or other electronic means.

• Office of Incident

o The ability to report incidents en-route, to a customs office, for real-time reporting directly into NCTS5.

The new requirement to enter Commodity Codes into transit declarations will also not come into effect until 22 January 2025.

What this means for you

You’ll need to start submitting transit declarations on NCTS5 from 1 July 2024.

Whether you use commercial software or the free-to-use web portal via the Government Gateway to submit your transit movements, you’ll need to make sure you’re using an up-to date subscription from 1 July. You can find more information on

If you use commercial software to submit your transit movements, we are supporting your software developer to prepare for NCTS5. They will be able to advise you how and when you can obtain the new software. We recommend you have your new software by the beginning of May to familiarise yourself with the new features.

The HMRC Trader Test environment remains open and those who are building software should continue with development and testing, to align with the revised implementation date