NCTS email channel closing on 31st May 2022

NCTS email channel closing on 31st May 2022

30 May 2022

The New Computer Transit System (NCTS) email channel is closing for new declarations after 11:59pm on 31 May 2022

HMRC has been working with remaining users of the email channel and supporting their migration to the new XML channel. There is published information on the closure here - Transit Newsletter 10 May 2022.

They also offer a free to use web-based service but if traders submit larger volumes of transit declarations, we are recommending use of the XML channel to best meet their business needs.

HMRC has been upgrading the channels used to submit transit declarations to improve the resilience of the system and to manage an expected increase in transit volumes. The new channels have been available and are operating well, with the vast majority of users having migrated.