Members Feedback Required - Fairness in the Fresh Produce Supply Chain Consultation

Members Feedback Required - Fairness in the Fresh Produce Supply Chain Consultation

15 Dec 2023

A review to improve fairness in the fresh produce supply chain was launched by the Government today (14 December), supporting British farmers and growers to receive a fair price for their products and ensuring customers have access to high-quality fresh British products.

The Fresh Produce Supply Chain Review delivers on a key commitment made by the Prime Minister at the Farm to Fork Summit in May and will seek the views of industry on issues including the fairness of contracts between producers and purchasers in the sector, and how supply chain data can be used to support transparency in the negotiation process.

Background information can be found here:

Review to increase fairness in the fresh produce supply chain - GOV.UK (

Access to the consultation can be found here:

Contractual relationships in the UK fresh produce industry - Defra - Citizen Space