Lettuce / spinetoram MRL amendment

Lettuce / spinetoram MRL amendment

8 Feb 2023

HSE has identified an acute intake concern for the current MRL for spinetoram/ lettuces.

As harmful effects for human health cannot be excluded then it is proposed to lower the specific MRL for spinetoram/ lettuces from 10 mg/kg to the limit of quantification.

The draft Reasoned Opinion is available on HSE's website:

Review of the MRL for spinetoram in or on lettuces

The proposed date of adoption/publication of the new MRL is 16 May 2023 and the proposed date of entry into force of the new MRL will be 6 months after the date of adoption/publication.

To meet the UK’s international trade obligations, the measures have been notified to the World Trade Organization.

On completion of this process, an update on the final MRL agreed, along with the date of entry into force, will be communicated via HSE’s ebulletin service.