Latest evaluations from the European Food Safety Authority

Latest evaluations from the European Food Safety Authority

23 Jul 2020

Modification of the existing maximum residue level for etofenprox in plums

In accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC ) No 396/2005, the applicant SIPCAM Italia S.p.A. submitted a request to the competent national authority in Italy to modify the existing maximum residue level (MRL ) for the active substance etofenprox in plums.

The data submitted in support of the request were found to be sufficient to derive an MRL proposal for plums. Adequate analytical methods for enforcement are available to control the residues of etofenprox in plums at the validated limit of quantification (LOQ ) of 0.01 mg/kg.

Based on the risk assessment results, EFSA concluded that the short‐term and long‐term intake of residues resulting from the existing and intended uses of etofenprox according to the reported agricultural practices is unlikely to present a risk to consumer health.

For more information see the EFSA report.

Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance prosulfuron

The conclusions of the EFSA following the peer review of the initial risk assessments carried out by the competent authority of the rapporteur Member State, France, for the pesticide active substance prosulfuron are reported. The context of the peer review was that required by Regulation (EC ) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

The conclusions were reached on the basis of the evaluation of the representative uses of prosulfuron as a herbicide on maize and sweet corn. Following the renewal of approval, prosulfuron has been renewed with the restriction that the use shall be limited to one application every 3 years.

This assessment follows the request of the applicant to lift the restriction of the approval conditions. The reliable end points, appropriate for use in regulatory risk assessment, are presented. Missing information identified as being required by the regulatory framework is listed. Concerns are identified.

For more information see the EFSA report.

Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance Streptomyces strain K61

The conclusions of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA ) following the peer review of the initial risk assessments carried out by the competent authorities of the rapporteur Member State, Estonia, and co‐rapporteur Member State, France, for the pesticide active substance Streptomyces strain K61 are reported.

The context of the peer review was that required by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU ) No 844/2012, as amended by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU ) No 2018/1659. The conclusions were reached on the basis of the evaluation of the representative use of Streptomyces strain K61 as a fungicide on fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, bulb vegetables, pulses, ornamentals, aromatic herbs and root crops, onions and seedlings, in permanent greenhouses and walk‐in tunnels.

The reliable end points, appropriate for use in regulatory risk assessment, are presented. Missing information identified as being required by the regulatory framework is listed. Concerns are identified.

For more information see the EFSA report.

Peer review of the pesticide risk assessment of the active substance aqueous extract from the germinated seeds of sweet Lupinus albus

The conclusions of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA ) following the peer review of the initial risk assessments carried out by the competent authority of the rapporteur Member State, the Netherlands, for the pesticide active substance aqueous extract from the germinated seeds of sweet Lupinus albus and the considerations as regards the inclusion of the substance in Annex IV of Regulation (EC ) No 396/2005 are reported. The context of the peer review was that required by Regulation (EC ) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The conclusions were reached on the basis of the evaluation of the representative uses of the aqueous extract from the germinated seeds of sweet Lupinus albus as a fungicide on strawberry and tomatoes (field use and greenhouse application). The reliable endpoints, appropriate for use in regulatory risk assessment, are presented. Missing information identified as being required by the regulatory framework is listed. Concerns were not identified.

For more information see the EFSA report.