Issues with GVMS - Accurate recording to avoid delays

Issues with GVMS - Accurate recording to avoid delays

10 May 2022

HMRC is aware of a common issue when some traders and hauliers are using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) for transit movements coming into Great Britain.

You should only enter the Transit Movement Reference Number (MRNs) into GVMS after the goods have been released into the transit procedure. GVMS asks if the movement has been released into transit so you should only tick ‘yes’ if it has.

If the MRNs are entered into the GVMS before the goods have been released into the transit procedure, there will be no record to check that it is a valid MRN. This will delay your goods in reaching their destination because the process for checking will in effect block the Transit MRN, which means that you will need to make a new, separate Transit declaration.