HMRC launches customs intermediaries consultation

HMRC launches customs intermediaries consultation

5 Jun 2023

HMRC is inviting businesses and organisations across the borders industry to share their views on a consultation on introducing a voluntary standard for the customs intermediary sector. The consultation, in response to feedback from the 2022 Call for Evidence (CfE) and part of a package of measures announced at Spring budget, aims to improve the quality of the service across the customs intermediary sector.

It launched on 5 June, running for 12 weeks until 30 August, and can be viewed in full here. Participants can provide feedback by emailing

The consultation will seek views on:

• the objectives of a voluntary standard, and what format it could take

• how a voluntary standard could be designed and implemented

• the potential content of a voluntary standard

• training and educational offerings for the intermediary sector, which would support the introduction of a voluntary standard.

As part of the consultation, HMRC will be holding a number of broadcast events in July for
businesses, trade association representatives, customs intermediaries and SMEs, to provide an
overview of the consultation and answer questions. If you would like to attend one of these events,
please let HMRC know via email at